Jenn Griffith is a painter based in Charleston, SC. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from Furman University, and continued Arts certificates from Sotheby's Institute of Art in New York.

Jenn's artwork is easily recognized, whether a sharp, realistic painting of water or a colorful surfboard with bright palms or glistening waves. These works belong to collectors all over the United States, or as part of collaborations with global brands such as Yeti, Golden Goose, and Lululemon.

Jenn focuses on water through her paintings, as inspired by her love of surfing. Her tagline, "don't drink the water" is occasionally inquired upon, to which Jenn explains, "it is two-fold: it is a serious commentary on the world's water crisis, and our need for conservation of our waterways. In a more playful sense, it is also a tribute to 'don't drink the kool-aid'-- don't believe everything you hear or see. Question things, be bold and brave, forge your own path!"

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